When Artis was blindsided last week, I applauded Skupin for
finally coming to play. In one of his pre-season interviews, I heard him say
that playing under the radar just isn’t his thing and that he would never
follow that path. This was evidenced by the big move that he made, which also
allowed him to control his fate in the game. Another thing of note was that I
previously mentioned how the editing is setting up Pete to fail, and it seems
that that is precisely what transpired here.
Image: CBS |
Abi and Pete returned to camp from the previous tribal
council realizing that all of a sudden it’s two versus six. I am appalled at
the way Abi looks at things as if she did nothing wrong. Here’s the thing Ms.
Abi – if you are rude to people and you treat them with disrespect, you cannot
expect them to be nice all the time. Even sweet old Lisa can reach her toll. And while she did clarify that she has forgiven you, there has to be a
tipping point somewhere.
The rest of the tribe has laid out their plans saying that
it would be them in the Final Six and after that it’s “game on”. I like how
that looks like because majority of the people within that six are likable and
root-able. But there’s a part of me that is saying that something is up. For now,
though, that six will be intact and that means they are one step closer from
successfully decimating the Axis of Evil.
Image: CBS |
Quickly, we’re headed to the first challenge of the episode.
This looks like a fun and simple challenge. And once again, I had to
congratulate the challenge producers for coming up with yet another unique
concept. It was easy by design yet very challenging to earn a point as you have
to be agile and quick witted to succeed in this. The teams looked mismatched as
the young and agile castaways were on the Red Team and the old ones were on the
Yellow Team. You can watch the entire reward challenge here.
Image: CBS |
Eventually, Carter’s track coaching experience helped him
here as he dominated this challenge with his speed and quick wittedness. Not
saying that the Yellow team were not witty, it’s just that they had it in the
bag before it even started. With the exception, of course, of Abi who clearly
sucked at the challenge. It seemed like the perfect reward with lots of food, a
great scenery, and a relaxing massage. My favorite scene of this episode
happened when Carter was feeding Malcolm grapes while he was bathing and
getting scrubbed on. Such a comic relief!
Image: CBS |
It wasn’t all fun and smiles, though, when the youngsters
returned to camp from the reward. Malcom said it best. “Abi has the social grace of a Mac Truck.” After personally
attacking Lisa during the last tribal council, Abi continues on her ways after returning from the reward. She couldn’t quit jabbering
about how great the reward was. To endlessly talk about how delicious the food
was when the rest were eating unflavored beans and rice was a clear indication
that she had no social sensitivity and understanding at all.
A funny thing to note, though, was when everybody else was
clearly sick of her incessant talk about the food at the reward, they wanted to
divert the attention to Carter. When asked to share about his experience, no
sooner than Abi chimed in and continued on with her talk. This girl just doesn’t
know when to shut up! I mean, c’mon, it’s not like Carter got the chance to
talk much and she steals his airtime. How funny and annoying was that?
Carter Dominates the
Image: CBS |
For the second time, Carter wins the immunity necklace. Again,
another impressive challenge concept that looked simple but very challenging in
execution, as Jeff noted.
Right now, Carter is a force to be reckoned with. He
didn’t need it yet but it was crucial to keep Pete or Abi from winning – they didn’t
even come close! See how the immunity challenge played out here.
Final Four Locked In
This is the first time that an alliance ever locked into a
final four agreement. Some might criticize Malcolm’s decision to lock into this
alliance this early, but he clearly said it in his confessional that he has to
start planning ahead. Both Skupin and Lisa has many options at this point so by
securing that, you have at least a shot at making it happen.
Image: CBS |
On the other end of the spectrum, Penner did a terrible job
at rejecting Lisa’s offer to the Final 3 with her and Skupin. Let’s just say he
might not be interested in cementing that yet, he could have easily agreed to
it just so he can keep his options open. And when you do as he did, you lost an opportunity. If you are not willing to commit and you get wishy-washy,
people will become suspicious and they will look for somewhere else that offers
more security.
As for the tribal council, it becomes the climax to what
would’ve been a predictable episode. With Abi’s immunity idol still in play,
they are trying to cause some chaos to the six-person alliance’s plan to get
rid of Pete and flush her idol. Her confrontation with Denise at tribal council
was a rude awakening for Abi. I find it surprising that she does not even get
that she’s perceived as unlikeable. And while some might think that Denise
laying it out for her during tribal council is crossing the line, I think she
needed that to put her in her spot. Yes, Abi, karma is a bitch sometimes.
Bye, Pete! |
And with that, bye Pete! I heaved a sigh of relief just as
Malcolm did. But you gotta put your faith on the people with whom you’ve
aligned with. With his idol being the only one left in the game, that is some major
leverage for him coming into the next two episodes. It is, therefore, important
that he win immunity next so that he can preserve that and deflect votes his
way because he is now the number one threat in the game.
Next week, it will be Abi versus the remaining six. Will she
survive without the idol? Or is something going to shake up soon? Stay tuned!